Sunday, May 18, 2008

More Nights

SO I am ready to start getting some more nights with Rob then just the one night I have right now. This of course means that I have to get up the guts to go up to Heather and ask her if it's OK if I steal her husband from her for another night, thus being the ultimate bad guy. I hate this part of the relationship I just want the Hi I'm stealing your husbands time and love away from you part over. I understand there are going to have to be baby steps here since this is not what Heather wanted in the first place but Ugg every time I have to do it I find myself getting mad.

Sometimes I just want Rob to be the one to ask her not me, not because I don't want the responsibility, well to be fair it is partially that but it's also because I want him to make a stand for me. I feel like if he asks it will be him making a point that he loves me and that he wants to spend more nights with me, right now it just feels like I'm the bad guy. In the sense that when I ask it's like Rob would be oh so happy to sleep with Heather all the time if it weren't for this horrible Chandra girl wanting him all the time. I'm stealing him away, he is not saying I want to be with her, what he is saying by not asking himself (or even voicing this is what he wants to when I ask) is that I am only sleeping with her because she is asking.

I could easily be reading to much into this but it's how I fell and sometimes I just don't know how to voice it. I don't want to be greedy but I try not to go out of my way to ask for more time from him like dates or sleeping with him extra nights, I think I may have asked once or twice but I think that is pretty reasonable. I also don't mean to spend a lot of time with him during the week, Because Rob has voiced an opinion that he misses Heather and that he does not get to spend much time with her. HE is not blaming me for this mind you, the time we get together is more because we share the same hobbies. If Heather would come to dag with us maybe she would get to see him more, but she continues to make excuses for not going instead of just saying I don't like Dag much I may go to some battles but don't expect me a practices. Then maybe Rob and her can try to make arrangements to spend sometime together. Rob is just bad as her when it comes to making time, if he really missed her that much he would find some way to see her. Really the only reason Rob and I spend as much time together is because we both go to dag and I am a pushy girl when it comes to spending time with the people I like.

Don't get me wrong Rob can be romantic and sweet, but the reality is that both he and Heather are hermits they would truly be content to sit in there computer room for hours on end and just be with each other. Which to be honest I would not mind doing with them if it was possible which sadly it is not what with me having no real usable desk or computer in the computer room. Some day I may have said desk and computer but as to when I don't know, right now I am tempted to just tell Rob to take my desk out of there to give him and Heather more room and I will just stick with using my laptop in my bed room or in the living room.

Oh well I am done with the ranting I will now go get ready to beat people with swords and hopeful get the nuts needed to ask Heather for some more time.


  1. Maybe mention it to Rob? He might not think of it on his own.

  2. I did he is going to talk to her with me. I truly feel bad about being a wimp in someways but I don't always want to be the bad guy.

  3. To my way of thinking, if you want Rob to spend a night with you, you ask him and if there is discussion needed with Heather, he should do it. He isn't Heather's property that you need to ask permission to use.
