I am currently working towards a new job with HSBC, I am really excited but they are making it really hard for me. They want all this information to be faxed to them about my prior job history and it’s a bit hard because one of my jobs closed its doors and another moved from the original facility it was in. Hopefully I will be able to get it all together and then start the new job on March 12th yippee.
This job is a gods send for me, its closer to home I won't have to do so much driving and my husband works there. I really want this to work out, it's important to me.
Working where I work now has been really hard for me, I have to drive thought all this snow and some nights it can get really bad. I have been really lucky so far with not getting in an accident but the more you drive the more likely you will get in one. I have to add two extra hours to my day with the driving and it's time I would like to spend with my friends or husband.