Sweet kisses with lingering passion
Hands moving on clothing, hard and searching
Eyes of hazel burning with fire
Fingers of infinite knowledge tease and taunt
Glasses bumping together with silly laughter
Warm lips with a searing hot tongue
Superior height granting weak knees
Deep thrusts leading to everlasting heights
Lingering in my heart
Feeling of bodies pressing
Tingling lips and hard nipples
Shacking legs, silent moans
Spreading heat
Not expecting love
Shadow feeling of burning passion
Just some poems that I wrote that I found floating around thought I would post them here. Hope you guys enjoy.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I don't know about everyone else but manners are pretty important to me. Now I mean the normal stuff like please and thank you, but I also mean some manners that not everyone thinks of.
I am neurotic about making sure that I say thanks to anyone who helps me in some way. I think that some waiters have wanted to shoot me for all my please and thank you as dinner moves on. But my parents where so big on the making sure that my siblings and I where polite to the T.
Also as time goes by I have come up with my own set of rules when it comes to everyday things. If I am waiting for the bus and someone else was waiting before me, they get to get on first, anyone who came after me goes after me. When I am on the bus if someone is older then me, pregnant, with kids, injured in some way or looks just plan beat they get my seat. If you are younger then me or the same age you get to fight it out sorry. Then there is the bathroom oh this drives me mad. I hate when I go into a bathroom with say 12 stalls and I sit at the very last stall and all the rest are empty and someone comes in and sits right next to my stall. Why, are you lonely do you need to sit next to someone to pee I just don’t understand it. I try to put at least one stall between me and someone else if I can at all help it, it just seems like the thing to do.
I also don't get people who yell at customer service reps whether they be over the phone or at a fast food restaurant. Just because it's there job to smile and make your food does not mean you have the right to treat them like they are below you. If something is wrong with your food, be polite ask them nicely to fix it don't scream that they are stupid and don't know what they are doing. You have no idea of what power they have over you and your food, please for your sake and there’s, don't make them mad.
Maybe I'm a little nuts when it comes to what is right and wrong but I would rather be over polite then under and hurt someone’s feelings.
I am neurotic about making sure that I say thanks to anyone who helps me in some way. I think that some waiters have wanted to shoot me for all my please and thank you as dinner moves on. But my parents where so big on the making sure that my siblings and I where polite to the T.
Also as time goes by I have come up with my own set of rules when it comes to everyday things. If I am waiting for the bus and someone else was waiting before me, they get to get on first, anyone who came after me goes after me. When I am on the bus if someone is older then me, pregnant, with kids, injured in some way or looks just plan beat they get my seat. If you are younger then me or the same age you get to fight it out sorry. Then there is the bathroom oh this drives me mad. I hate when I go into a bathroom with say 12 stalls and I sit at the very last stall and all the rest are empty and someone comes in and sits right next to my stall. Why, are you lonely do you need to sit next to someone to pee I just don’t understand it. I try to put at least one stall between me and someone else if I can at all help it, it just seems like the thing to do.
I also don't get people who yell at customer service reps whether they be over the phone or at a fast food restaurant. Just because it's there job to smile and make your food does not mean you have the right to treat them like they are below you. If something is wrong with your food, be polite ask them nicely to fix it don't scream that they are stupid and don't know what they are doing. You have no idea of what power they have over you and your food, please for your sake and there’s, don't make them mad.
Maybe I'm a little nuts when it comes to what is right and wrong but I would rather be over polite then under and hurt someone’s feelings.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Being an adult can be so hard and yet so simple at the same time. Life in general is hard you have to make hard choices everyday. But in the end the choice is yours which is why it is so hard. When you’re a kid everyone else makes the big choices for you, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. Now this is not always easy because some times the people making these choices don't always do the right thing for you.
I find that I make a lot of mistakes in my life, bad choices. I have hurt people I love and myself with these decisions but in the end I have learned from them. Some of the things I have learned the most from are the things that have hurt the most. I love my life and the people in it but I keep doing thing that are bad and could hurt others.
Love, now that's a hard thing. Love is so complicated; you really can't chose who you love. You can chose who you end up with, but you can go on loving someone you may never see again. My first love in my life I still love to this day, its different then when I first loved him but it's there. I don't want to leave my husband or anything because of it but I will always hold that love in my heart, and it will always ache a little for him. Sometimes I wish you could be with more then one person at once but the general populace looks on that badly. As much as I want to not care what other people think you can't help it, you live in this world you have to deal with these people everyday.
Love can be fast and hard, that is how it has mostly been for me. I know when I saw the person I loved them and wanted them. I did everything I could to get them I never wavered, I can be very determined if I have to be. My husband I liked him and I made it clear to him I did, I was only 18 and he was 32 but that did not matter to me. I talked to him and hung around with him, I was the first to touch his hand the first to kiss him. I was always the one taking the first steps making the first move, and I hate it. I want to be grabbed and kissed, I want to not have to make that choice but that seems to be my lot in life. Now love can also come slow and sneaky, coming at you when you least expect it. You can be with a person for years as friends just talking and really enjoying their company and maybe you will even become serious in the sense of intimacy but love is not there. Then one day you look at that person and you realize that you love them, and it digs into you holding you hostage. How could it sneak up on you like that, then you realizes that it has always been there but it was hidden by you. You did not want to love that person for some reason but in the end love won out. It's not always in your best benefit to love this person but you do. Now this has not happened to me but I have so many friends that have had this happen and it usually ends badly not always but usually.
I guess life as a grownup can be a gamble you just have to choose where to stand and make your bets and hope that you made the right decision.
I find that I make a lot of mistakes in my life, bad choices. I have hurt people I love and myself with these decisions but in the end I have learned from them. Some of the things I have learned the most from are the things that have hurt the most. I love my life and the people in it but I keep doing thing that are bad and could hurt others.
Love, now that's a hard thing. Love is so complicated; you really can't chose who you love. You can chose who you end up with, but you can go on loving someone you may never see again. My first love in my life I still love to this day, its different then when I first loved him but it's there. I don't want to leave my husband or anything because of it but I will always hold that love in my heart, and it will always ache a little for him. Sometimes I wish you could be with more then one person at once but the general populace looks on that badly. As much as I want to not care what other people think you can't help it, you live in this world you have to deal with these people everyday.
Love can be fast and hard, that is how it has mostly been for me. I know when I saw the person I loved them and wanted them. I did everything I could to get them I never wavered, I can be very determined if I have to be. My husband I liked him and I made it clear to him I did, I was only 18 and he was 32 but that did not matter to me. I talked to him and hung around with him, I was the first to touch his hand the first to kiss him. I was always the one taking the first steps making the first move, and I hate it. I want to be grabbed and kissed, I want to not have to make that choice but that seems to be my lot in life. Now love can also come slow and sneaky, coming at you when you least expect it. You can be with a person for years as friends just talking and really enjoying their company and maybe you will even become serious in the sense of intimacy but love is not there. Then one day you look at that person and you realize that you love them, and it digs into you holding you hostage. How could it sneak up on you like that, then you realizes that it has always been there but it was hidden by you. You did not want to love that person for some reason but in the end love won out. It's not always in your best benefit to love this person but you do. Now this has not happened to me but I have so many friends that have had this happen and it usually ends badly not always but usually.
I guess life as a grownup can be a gamble you just have to choose where to stand and make your bets and hope that you made the right decision.
Friday, December 08, 2006

Winter in a lot of ways is my least favorite season. Living where I live the snow can really pile up and make your life a misery, I also hate the cold air and the stupid drivers that come with the snow.
But winter can be beautiful and magically as well and that's what ends up saving it for me. I remember many winter days playing with my sister and brother in the snow, building snow men or just fooling around. As I grew older I remember winter days spent walking with my boyfriend holding his gloved hand, seeing the frosted trees and kissing under a cool moon. Now as an adult winter holds a new place for me a time of indoor play and nights wrapped in a blanket with my husband watching the snow fall outside the window.
Christmas also makes winter special to me. When I was a kid on the first of December my family would put up the tree and when we where all done we would turn all the lights off except for the tree and we would sit around and listen to Christmas music and watch the lights. It was a good time for me, my family was always happy during the holiday season. Even if we had no money my mom would always make sure to make us something so we would have something under the tree on Christmas day.
All and all I guess winter holds special memories for me and in that way it ends up being my favorite season of all.
But winter can be beautiful and magically as well and that's what ends up saving it for me. I remember many winter days playing with my sister and brother in the snow, building snow men or just fooling around. As I grew older I remember winter days spent walking with my boyfriend holding his gloved hand, seeing the frosted trees and kissing under a cool moon. Now as an adult winter holds a new place for me a time of indoor play and nights wrapped in a blanket with my husband watching the snow fall outside the window.
Christmas also makes winter special to me. When I was a kid on the first of December my family would put up the tree and when we where all done we would turn all the lights off except for the tree and we would sit around and listen to Christmas music and watch the lights. It was a good time for me, my family was always happy during the holiday season. Even if we had no money my mom would always make sure to make us something so we would have something under the tree on Christmas day.
All and all I guess winter holds special memories for me and in that way it ends up being my favorite season of all.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
First off this post is going to go into some pretty in-depth detail about my sex life so if you don't want to know don't read it. Second I have nowhere else to write it so it's going up, deal.
I guess I have to start with my husband I love him but when it comes to sex he pretty much bores me. When we first started going out I was 18 and he was 32 and sex was great, we did all sorts of things. I have a little bit of a submissive and bondage fetish so I got to really explore that with him, which was part of the reason I really liked him. I used to have bruises all over from the bites he would give me and I even got in to choking a little too. I was 18 not even in the prime of my sexuality and I could have easily had sex 3 or 4 times a day if not more.
Now my sex life sucks, and it mainly has to do with my husband. Basically after the first year and a half of us going out it all started to go down hill, I can't blame him at first things where stressful and that sort of got him down and he was getting older as well. But getting older will affect you stamina it should not affect the way you have sex. No more choking, no more biting, I am lucky if I get some nipple tweaking that is his idea of foreplay. I think the kissing is the worst part, I love to kiss I mean I really love to kiss. With my husband kissing is just plan blah, 9 times out of 10 kissing is a peck on the lips. I understand this when you are around your friends you can't go making out but when we are in bed together I expect something more, and I don't get it. I miss the oh so gentle press of lips, the sweet longing as your lips part and a tip of tongue is thrust forward. I want that god damn it and I think I should be able to have that. With sex it's self the stamina has defiantly gone down. I have trained my self to cum quickly otherwise I don't get too, and the only position I get now is on top. Don’t get me wrong that's great but it basically means he has to do no work at all.
Last but not least the oral part, I get to do that a lot. Because mainly that’s all my husband wants and I just don't know how to say I really don't want to. Partially it's my fault because I sort of pride myself on being good at it and I made it clear that I would love doing it. Now I basically try to do the best I can well being as quick as I can to get it over with.
I feel bad complaining about my husband like this but I just don't know what else to say. In other ways he makes me really happy. He makes me really laugh which I rarely do and snuggling with him is like a wonderful dream. Our likes are a lot of the same things as well as our dislikes which makes our life nice. I don't think I could live with out him, he just is a part of my life I need. I just wish the sex part of our life could be better, because I don't know what the hell I'm going to do when I'm in my thirties and forties and at my sexual peak and he will be in his sixties and seventies. Thank god for Viagra.
Now I also love sex with girls, I have not gotten to really play with that to much but what little I have gotten to do have been great. I love kissing girls it's like silk on silk, soft lips meeting and tasting sweet nothing. I have always loved the female form and its lovely curves and fullness; I am one for meat on the bone. Venus was not a super model she was a lovely plumb goddess of soft hips, breasts and tummy chub. God I could go on and on forever on the things I would like to do with a girl but I don't think everyone needs to hear that. I would love more then anything to get more into the world of girl on girl but I have to tell you that can be so hard. I have to find someone my husband will like and she can't spend too much time on me or he will get jealous. I can't get to pissed I chose to get married and I would never go back I love my life I just miss some of the chances I don't get.
Oh well that's it for now who knows I will probably post about this again at some point, it's a subject that comes up a lot I guess.
I guess I have to start with my husband I love him but when it comes to sex he pretty much bores me. When we first started going out I was 18 and he was 32 and sex was great, we did all sorts of things. I have a little bit of a submissive and bondage fetish so I got to really explore that with him, which was part of the reason I really liked him. I used to have bruises all over from the bites he would give me and I even got in to choking a little too. I was 18 not even in the prime of my sexuality and I could have easily had sex 3 or 4 times a day if not more.
Now my sex life sucks, and it mainly has to do with my husband. Basically after the first year and a half of us going out it all started to go down hill, I can't blame him at first things where stressful and that sort of got him down and he was getting older as well. But getting older will affect you stamina it should not affect the way you have sex. No more choking, no more biting, I am lucky if I get some nipple tweaking that is his idea of foreplay. I think the kissing is the worst part, I love to kiss I mean I really love to kiss. With my husband kissing is just plan blah, 9 times out of 10 kissing is a peck on the lips. I understand this when you are around your friends you can't go making out but when we are in bed together I expect something more, and I don't get it. I miss the oh so gentle press of lips, the sweet longing as your lips part and a tip of tongue is thrust forward. I want that god damn it and I think I should be able to have that. With sex it's self the stamina has defiantly gone down. I have trained my self to cum quickly otherwise I don't get too, and the only position I get now is on top. Don’t get me wrong that's great but it basically means he has to do no work at all.
Last but not least the oral part, I get to do that a lot. Because mainly that’s all my husband wants and I just don't know how to say I really don't want to. Partially it's my fault because I sort of pride myself on being good at it and I made it clear that I would love doing it. Now I basically try to do the best I can well being as quick as I can to get it over with.
I feel bad complaining about my husband like this but I just don't know what else to say. In other ways he makes me really happy. He makes me really laugh which I rarely do and snuggling with him is like a wonderful dream. Our likes are a lot of the same things as well as our dislikes which makes our life nice. I don't think I could live with out him, he just is a part of my life I need. I just wish the sex part of our life could be better, because I don't know what the hell I'm going to do when I'm in my thirties and forties and at my sexual peak and he will be in his sixties and seventies. Thank god for Viagra.
Now I also love sex with girls, I have not gotten to really play with that to much but what little I have gotten to do have been great. I love kissing girls it's like silk on silk, soft lips meeting and tasting sweet nothing. I have always loved the female form and its lovely curves and fullness; I am one for meat on the bone. Venus was not a super model she was a lovely plumb goddess of soft hips, breasts and tummy chub. God I could go on and on forever on the things I would like to do with a girl but I don't think everyone needs to hear that. I would love more then anything to get more into the world of girl on girl but I have to tell you that can be so hard. I have to find someone my husband will like and she can't spend too much time on me or he will get jealous. I can't get to pissed I chose to get married and I would never go back I love my life I just miss some of the chances I don't get.
Oh well that's it for now who knows I will probably post about this again at some point, it's a subject that comes up a lot I guess.
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