I have never been surprised by someone I love. I have never had some one send me flowers at home or at work, I have never gotten a surprise visit while at work. No guy has ever asked me out, and when it came time for marriage there was no surprise proposal from Rob or Dave. No "Hey I have this romantic dinner planed or this late night stroll come and see" nothing like that.
The reason this came to mind was because last night Rob went and surprised someone at their work and all I could think is "Wow that is so cute, they look so happy. Surprises are so great" "Why has this never happened to me." I just don't know why I always have to do the pursuing.
I watched all these surprise proposals, birthday gifts, baby announcements and here's your boyfriend who you thought was away videos on YouTube and it just made me sad. Dancing, singing, flash mobs, cards with fun messages, clues that led you to a hidden place everything you could think of as a surprise. Its all about telling this special someone that you think they are so amazing you can't help but show them how much and brighten their day.
With Dave for our 2nd anniversary I left notes for him all over the house all week long with things that I loved about him. With Rob I have shown up places with surprise lunchs and sent pictures with little hints about special surprises hidden away for him.
I know this is all just a little disjointed but I just really wanted to put my feelings down and say that I just wish I had some fun and good surprises in my life.