Thursday, November 08, 2007


So days are pretty relaxed now, not what I expected but relaxed. I go to work and train yippee, then I come home jump into my PJ's and read or watch TV. Some days we do chores, or fun group activities like watch a movie together, make outfits for Dag, or just sit and chit chat while Heather makes dinner. It's all very relaxed actually I enjoy the whole just being with one another, I am trying very hard to try to not be so needy.

I am good at keeping myself busy but when I am with someone in a relationship that is I tend to be very lovey, not clingy really just lovey. I need to learn to back of a little and let us all settle into each other but I find it takes me sometime to do that, since in general I tend to be a very touchy person.

What I wanted most at this point was to be in a different place, I wanted to really be living out my new relationship in complete freedom but we have had to put that on hold. Heather's parents where supposed to have gone to Florida by now so that we could start to see if we can really all live with each other in every way but they have not left yet, and it is looking more and more like they will not be leaving at all! I don't want to go thru the whole winter like this and then move in with them in the spring and find out that this is not going to work. This was supposed to be the test period the time we used to see if we could handle all of this but now it's looking like this is going to be a sink or swim situation and I really don't like that. Parts of this are going really great and I mean that really great but other parts have not even been addressed and until they leave I do not think that it is going to happen. Yuck!

The Holidays are coming and I am really excited about that the first year I get to spend here. I am going to really miss my family thought they are all very sad that I can not come to the holiday's. I am trying to work out a way that I can still see them all even if it is not on the actual holiday. I am a little sad about that because it is going to be another one of those holiday's where I will be all by myself where everyone else has someone, I have someone but they can't really come with me to hard to explain to my grandparents. My parents know everything and are very cool and loving which is nice but I think my grandparents would just die. Oh well I hope I can figure something out I really do want to see them, and still spend this holiday with my new family too. Yuck again!

Well I am off to watch some Heroes which I got for my birthday so BYE!!!

1 comment:

  1. *hugs*

    Here's the thing...

    You don't need to rush into this. I know if feels urgent, but you've got all the time in the world, seriously.
    Get your own place, your own space, and wait until a good time comes around to do the 'test period' thing.

    Sink or swim is a -very bad idea-.
