Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I am really good at making my life complicated, why can't I just be happy with simple. I want to make sure that everyone is happy that I care about and in some ways that can hurt me. I love my husband lots but I know he likes different things so when he asks me can he do something I say sure I don't mind. At first I don't mind but then all I can think about is how complicated can this get will I have to deal with issues down the line, and I basically freak myself out. I don't mind harmless fun but when things become more serious like guy and girl all the way serious it can get tangled.

It really is a lot of my fault because if I really do not like it I should say so, but it is his fault too. A friend of mine tried to help and I think I may have crushed a nicely budding friendship with her because of this crap.

I have talked this thought with my husband and we have some new rules that we have agreed on and I think we are both a lot happier. I just needed to be more honest and he needed to not be so pushy, I hope that this will have cleared things up. I am happy I have somewhere to post this stuff otherwise I think I would go mad.


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  3. You did not lose him as a friend, he got confused with same info and sadly Dave is quick to anger. After I explained things he felt bad about being a bit of a pooh and wanted me to send the letter to explain. I can't wait to see you guys this weekend it will be so nice.

  4. I'm glad that we didn't get a chance to talk then, it would have been sad.
