I don't know what I am feeling. My mind is running running running and I can't seem to get it to shut up. At the same time everything I think about just flicks by never staying long enough to really contemplate. I went to lunch today with someone I care about and I felt out of it sort of not there it made me a little sad. It was nice in some ways because I did get to talk about some stuff that had nothing to do with my present crap and that felt really good, sort of got me to come around.
I am so damn tired, I can't believe home much I really need sleep lately. I need a good 7 hours of sleep or I feel like I am going to fall over. I think all the stress has made me very weary and in need of sleep desperately.
Sometimes I am so up and sometimes I am so down. I am really tired of always thinking I would like sometime to just mellow and think about nothing. Maybe I will take a break for little bit, I would say a day should be enough. Let my heart and mind settle, make some space. I need to breath and it feels like for the last month I have been just holding my breath waiting.
Hopefully this should help me de-stress and get back into the swing of things.