My life has taken some pretty interesting turns in the last couple of months I've already talked about my Divorce but there is still a lot I have not gone in too. I guess the biggest thing would have to be that I am know living in a polyamourus relationship. For anyone who does not know what Polyamourus means here is a definition.
Polyamory (from poly=multiple + amor=love) is the desire, practice, or acceptance of having more than one loving, intimate relationship at a time with the full knowledge and consent of everyone involved.
Right know I am with a man and his wife, I have been friends with them for years so it's not like we just meet. It has not been easy sadly I started this relationship with cheating and in the Poly world that is pretty bad. Most people say poly relationships that come from cheating don't make it, I really hope that in our cause that's not true. I am very much in love with the man involved and his wife who is my best friend. Nothing sexual is between me and wife we are just good friends and I hope to stay that way for along time. Things where really hard at first and still are at times, the lying for so long really hurt wife and pretty much lost any trust she had in me and husband.
We are in the very start of this so it's very scary and new but I know in my heart that this is what I want in my life. I want to be with husband and wife for the rest of my life, I love husband with all my heart and I don't think he would be the same person if he was not with wife so I would never want to take him away from her.
Right now I have found a community of people who have been very helpful to me in this strange but happy new lifestyle. I have also done a few colums for their page under my username Catanya. That's all I'm ready to post about this right now but believe me there will be more later.
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